Greenhills Garden Design
Quality design with the personal touch



Design Advice for Theresa in Hertfordshire

Theresa asked for some climbing roses to go on a sunny screen. Here are some of my favourites:

Compassion, Salmon Pink, tinted with apricot orange, repeats well, sweet fragrance Height: 3m
Ena Harkness, climbing, crimson scarlet, summer flowering but repeats Height: 3m
Iceberg, climbing, pure white, light fragrance, Height: 4m
Maigold, bronze-yellow, powerful fragrance, (sometimes gets black spot) Height: 4m
New Dawn, blush pink fresh, fruity fragrance, repeats well Height: 4m

A number of the 'English roses' can also be grown as excellent climbers as well as shrubs. They will reach about 2 - 3metres high. These include:

Falstaff, climbing, rich dark crimson - fading to dull purple, Old rose, strong, fragrance, (possible black spot)
Leander, climbing, rich apricot, strong fruity, raspberry fragrance, (possible mildew in autumn)
St Swithun, climbing, soft pink, strong myrrh fragrance
Teasing Georgia, climbing, creamy yellow-white, strong tea-rose smell
Tess of the D'Urbevilles, climbing, bright crimson, good old rose fragrance

Plants can be purchased on-line from
November through to March is an ideal time to plant roses. They appreciate good soil preparation. A generous quantity of well rotted manure or garden compost before planting will ensure good growth.

Roses can be seen at the Gardens of the Rose at St. Albans. Find out opening times etc. on the web site of the Royal National Rose Society at

This book may help if you are looking for roses.



Maria Greenhill B.Ed (Hons) PG Dip GD (OCGD)
Contact Maria on 01908 678647 to discuss your ideal garden